That's a crazy statement, isn't it?
I mean, coming from me.
Not long ago, the Newsboys came out with a song, "God's Not Dead". Then there was a movie. Mr Nietzsche was mentioned in the movie as an atheist. Nietzsche gets a lot of credit for being a bold atheist. I don't know if Nietzsche was an atheist or agnostic or any other $6 word you can come up with, but, I think he was frustrated. Spiritually. All this current notoriety made me think, "Why would he say that? Who is this guy?"
Mr. Nietzsche was the son of a minister. A minister that was dedicated and committed to his church. So, I'm pretty sure, he was taught about God, Jesus and the Spirit. He certainly had knowledge of the Bible. He may have even been a believer. I don't know. But, one thing for sure, he was very critical of the Church. Not so much so God. More so Christianity and how God and Christians related to each other and with those outside the faith. He displayed anger and displeasure with God which makes me think he wasn't really an atheist. He believed in God enough to want to argue with Him.
Near as I can tell, Mr Nietzsche said "God is dead" three times. The first and infamous time was in a short story called "The Madman" from the book The Gay Science. The story is of a man running through town searching for God. "I seek God! I seek God!". The townies begin to mock him and then this angers the man for which he says, "God is dead! And we have killed Him!"
This is interesting. Mr Nietzsche's claim to fame is "God is dead", but, no one remarks what comes after that. He goes on to tell that it was ..."you and I" who have killed Him. Further more, he asks who can wipe away the horizons? As if to say you can ignore, disregard God, but, He is still there. "Does empty space breathe upon us?" We can't see Him but He is there. What brought this on?
Let's look at what was happening in Germany at the time Mr Nietzsche wrote this. From the late 1870's in to the early 1900's, Germany was much like our late 1960's. Things were happening very fast. Economic change. Ideology change. Social changes. Spiritual changes. The industrial revolution was taking off. Modern science was escalating and people were becoming more skeptical of religion.
The Catholic church was prominent in Germany, but, alas, could not keep up with the times. Socialism was on the rise and it had the church in its cross-hairs. For a brief moment, Catholicism rose up equally, but could not sustain. The government made laws and regulations directly at the church. Religion became wildly unpopular.
So, I don't believe Mr Nietzsche was an atheist. At worse, he was a cynic. He was saying, in my opinion, all things considered, we have dismissed God from our lives and replaced Him with, well, whatever suits us. Because, later in his story the Madman asks,"Is not the magnitude of this deed too great for us? Shall we not ourselves have to become gods, Merely to seem worthy of it?" The answer is yes. If we are to remove THE God from our life what are we to do but become our own god.
Mr. Nietzsche wasn't saying that God was dead or nonexistent. He was saying that God was dead in our hearts. The Madman is the one that was labelled old fashioned. Stuck in the past. The towns people were the "modern" people. The ones that put no value in the old ways of life. That belittled traditions and values. That looked to themselves before looking up. Much like now.
Look around. Who is #1? Me. No, me. Please don't wear that shirt. It offends me. I need my safe space. Your opinions are not mine, therefore, you do not matter to me. We try to one up everybody and everything. Better phone, better car, better shoes, better house, better job.
The story ends with the Madman saying that by the time they notice what they have done, it may be too late. He then takes it one more step. Perhaps a step over the line. He goes into the churches claiming the same as he did in the town. They lead him out and rebuked him. His reply was always the same because they too were just as guilty. He called them murderers of God. "What are these churches now, if they are not the tombs and monuments of God?" Nowadays we call it playing church. Some call it being a cultural Christian. Living by a set of standards, morals. Appearing to have it together because you worship better than they do. Instagramming your devotions. "Diving deep in the Word today." Religion.
1 John 2:4-6 If someone says,"I know God," but doesn't obey God's commandments, that person is a liar and is not living in the truth. But those who obey God's word truly show how completely they love Him. Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did.
Many people will say they believe in God. Many will say they go to church. Many will say they worship and they give. And, sadly, many will say that's good enough. "I'm a good person." Compared to who? The god you worship is you and you're banking on that?
Matt 7:22 Jesus says, "...many will say to me, 'Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons...performed many miracles in your name!' But I will reply, 'I never knew you. Get away from Me..."
God wants your heart and this is why we try to run from that. We don't want Him to see it. God will get in there and be like, "Oh, this is nice. I like this. Hey, uhm, what about this over here. What's this in this dark corner?" Then we're all,"Hey, whoa... don't be lookin at that. That's my comfort zone right there. That's where I can still be accepted. Come over here, where I post verses on Facebook."
Don't get me wrong. Stuff like that is good, but where is your heart in that? Is He alive in your heart? Or is God dead and you are your god? Is church where you go to renew your affection for Him? Or is it a tomb or monument you visit once a week? Is God dead to you? It's a valid question. No matter what you think of Mr Nietzsche.
Life Drip Brewed
Thursday, January 7, 2016
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
I Heard the Bells
I was at the mall to do some Christmas shopping. As I was entering, I heard some yelling and I thought I heard the name "Jesus". As I got closer, more yelling and a man approaching in a bright yellow shirt. On his shirt it read in big bold letters, "REPENT! JESUS IS COMING!". Not far behind him were 3 police officers. Not mall cops. Actual policemen.
I got inside and folks were still in a murmur of what had just occurred. One of the officers came in behind me and gave a nod to a group that appeared more disturbed than everyone else. I put the pieces together and thought how sad. He has good intentions but going about it the wrong way. The result was a poor representation of Jesus.
These are hard days. Terrorist, wars, politics rule the news and most of is bad. Folks being offended by "Merry Christmas". It's a holiday pageant rather than a Christmas pageant. School choir directors changing the words from "O holy night" to "O solstice night". Craziness.
When I was finished with one of my transactions, I said "Thank you. Merry Christmas." The gal looked up at me and replied in a soft voice as if sharing a secret, "I can't say that, but, same to you." And smiled.
Later, I was sitting, sipping my mocha and texting my wonderful wife, an attractive couple were coming my way. I noticed them because thet looked like they just stepped out of magazine. One of those If you had a lot of money you'd look like this magazines. Except, they didn't look happy. In fact, they looked downright PO'd. At each other. Sure enough, as they walked by me, their words for one another weren't romantic let's say.
This is Christmas, yo!
When I got to my truck, this song was on the radio. It was written during the Civil War. Our nation was not at peace. The real meaning of Christmas was not on the collective minds of its peoples and the song raises that point. But, look at the end of the song. As the nation is at war with itself then, and much like we are today, it raises the point of hope...
I heard the bells on Christmas Day
Their old, familiar carols play,
- and wild and sweet
- The words repeat
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!
And thought how, as the day had come,
The belfries of all Christendom
The belfries of all Christendom
- Had rolled along
- The unbroken song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!
Till ringing, singing on its way,
The world revolved from night to day,
The world revolved from night to day,
- A voice, a chime,
- A chant sublime
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!
Then from each black, accursed mouth
The cannon thundered in the South,
The cannon thundered in the South,
- And with the sound
- The carols drowned
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!
It was as if an earthquake rent
The hearth-stones of a continent,
The hearth-stones of a continent,
- And made forlorn
- The households born
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!
And in despair I bowed my head;
"There is no peace on earth," I said;
"There is no peace on earth," I said;
- "For hate is strong,
- And mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good-will to men!"
Then pealed the bells more loud and deep:
"God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
"God is not dead, nor doth He sleep;
- The Wrong shall fail,
- The Right prevail,
With peace on earth, good-will to men."
God is not dead, nor doth He sleep.
God is in control and proved it with the birth of Jesus. Jesus, with the one purpose of saving us from ourselves. Born to die so that we may live.
So the world is mess, people seem crazier than ever and things look bad all over. We have a God that loves us and a Savior with outstretched arms saying "Trust Me, I got you"
Saturday, February 28, 2015
is fruit of bad roots. Most marriages begin in lust or being in love
with being in love. You need to find the one you are compatible with.
Unconditionally. People don't seem to understand that. Marriage is
not, no matter what you believe, just a commitment to the other
person. It's a commitment to God that you love that person as Christ
has loved the church. That's how it was designed from the beginning.
No matter what you believe. So, maybe you married the "wrong"
person. When you married that person, they became the right person
and now, you must be the right person for them. Marriage is work.
Hard work. Not magic. Marriage is communication. Not assuming the
other should know everything I'm thinking. Marriage is open and
sometimes painful. No secrets. NO SECRETS. I'm referring to "normal"
marriages, for lack of a better word. I understand that one must seek
outside help for an abusive relationship. I understand your safety
and childrens safety are of priority. But, even then, with Gods help,
a marriage can be saved and flourish. It's a matter of the heart.
Only God can intervene there. Every story is different. You can't
just throw a blanket on it and say there's your answer. But, no
matter what is in the past, you can change the future. Be open and
slow to anger. Breathe. Listen. Pray for help. Ask for forgiveness.
Be forgiving. You are a team. Not 50-50 but 100%-100%. All in. One
more thing. Find an older mature person of the same gender as you
that has a good marriage that you can go to. Someone who has beaten
the typical challenges of life and marriage. One who is walking
upright and true with God. Not your stupid friends at the bar. Not
the ones that talk bad about their own marriages and try to give you
advice. Someone you can respect and trust.
Saturday, March 22, 2014
Mi Familia
It's been awhile, I know.
It takes time to do these things. Lame excuse.
My biggest blog fan, my sister, went to be with our Lord recently. So, this blog is dedicated and inspired by her.
Blood Family
When my sis was preparing to leave us, my niece sent me a message that read, "...You may want to come now." I was at work and just finished lunch. My boss just happened to be walking by me and asked if I was ok. The answer was "My sis is dying." With out hesitation he told to go. As I was packing up my stuff, he said, "It's sad, but it seems the only time family comes together is for weddings and funerals."
Those words were in my head as I was driving and I thought that's not true.
In my family, anyways.
My parents were always about family and that's how they raised us. Family first. We haven't been together like we were when all the kids were younger, but, we did get as many members we could for this or that or no reason at all. The no reason at all times were always the best.
Also, we'd come together in different ways, when things went bad. You know those things. Drama things. We'd work through them with Mom and Dad at the helm. We are a Christian family but we are NOT a perfect family. Fear God, trust Jesus and follow bible principles. Things work out. And we stick together because when all is said and done, that's your family.
Adopted Family
It was good see all the lives my sis touched over the years. So many of them showed up for her wake.
It wasn't unusual for my parents to take in people. Don't judge, just love. That was passed on to us kids. My sis took in many people for many reasons. As do my wife and I.
We have 6 kids. Yeah, I know. Anyhow, with all them, they have friends and we've had a lot of "adopted" kids. I say adopted because when we take them in, we don't just let them flop down and leave. We love on them and make them part of family and nobody leaves without know the Jesus has for them. That's the least we can do. And certainly no one leaves without doing the dishes.
The reward is when those kids, most of them grown and doing their thing, will call or send a Facebook message. "Thinking of you today"' "Happy Birthday" or "Do you remember...?" If any of you are reading this now, we love you all and still think of you often.
Gods Family
1 John 3:1
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we would be called children of God...
Probably my greatest family is my spiritual family. I say greatest for a few reasons. The most obvious one is they are world wide.
When my sis left, I got messages and texts from South Africa, Mexico, Florida, Cali, Texas and many others. People I'm not related to but know me because we share a relationship through Jesus. All believers telling me they were praying for us. Prayer. People around the world lifting up my family in prayer to our God the Father, asking for peace in our hearts. That's so awesome.
A couple weeks ago, my Mom calls to say my Dad is on his way to the ER for chest pains. While I'm sitting next to him, I get a text. It's one of kids in our group. She says "I was just thinking of you guys. How can I pray for you today?" Not 5 minutes later, a little gal we sent to South Africa texts,"How can I pray for you today?" Instantly, a dozen or people are praying for my Dad. From as far away as South Africa to right down the road. Folks, that's a God thing. No one knew we were there Except our pastor and didn't spread the word.
The Spirit gives you a nudge and you act. They were nudged and acted. I can't imagine going through life without my spiritual family. My blood family are awesome. Don't get me wrong. But they are a limited number and sometimes you need an army. I have an army. A holy army. With an almighty God as a Commander in Chief.
We have a weekly prayer group, I have the youth group and of course the church itself. Then, there is all those missionaries I have come to know. All my fellow believers that I grew up with. Then there is the prayer groups that all of them belong to. It just goes on and on. The largest, most dysfunctional family you will ever meet and you can be a part of. Because we are just as messed up as you and need a loving Father that will take you just as you are right now.
Ephesians 1:3-7
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,...just as He chose us in Him before the foundations of the world, that we would holy and blameless before Him. In love, He predestined us to the adoption(family)...In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His GRACE which He lavished on us.
Ephesians 2:8-9
For by GRACE you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the GIFT OF GOD; not as a of works, so that no one may boast.
Just Admit you need Jesus in your life, Believe He died for you and rose again 3 days later and Confess you are a sinner that you want to follow Him. No hocus pocus. No 6 week class of purification. Nothing weird. Just trust.
Right now. Where you're sitting reading this. Admit, Believe and Confess. Then get a hold of me somehow and let me know you are now part of the family.
Love you, Sis. I miss you so much
It takes time to do these things. Lame excuse.
My biggest blog fan, my sister, went to be with our Lord recently. So, this blog is dedicated and inspired by her.
Blood Family
When my sis was preparing to leave us, my niece sent me a message that read, "...You may want to come now." I was at work and just finished lunch. My boss just happened to be walking by me and asked if I was ok. The answer was "My sis is dying." With out hesitation he told to go. As I was packing up my stuff, he said, "It's sad, but it seems the only time family comes together is for weddings and funerals."
Those words were in my head as I was driving and I thought that's not true.
In my family, anyways.
My parents were always about family and that's how they raised us. Family first. We haven't been together like we were when all the kids were younger, but, we did get as many members we could for this or that or no reason at all. The no reason at all times were always the best.
Also, we'd come together in different ways, when things went bad. You know those things. Drama things. We'd work through them with Mom and Dad at the helm. We are a Christian family but we are NOT a perfect family. Fear God, trust Jesus and follow bible principles. Things work out. And we stick together because when all is said and done, that's your family.
Adopted Family
It was good see all the lives my sis touched over the years. So many of them showed up for her wake.
It wasn't unusual for my parents to take in people. Don't judge, just love. That was passed on to us kids. My sis took in many people for many reasons. As do my wife and I.
We have 6 kids. Yeah, I know. Anyhow, with all them, they have friends and we've had a lot of "adopted" kids. I say adopted because when we take them in, we don't just let them flop down and leave. We love on them and make them part of family and nobody leaves without know the Jesus has for them. That's the least we can do. And certainly no one leaves without doing the dishes.
The reward is when those kids, most of them grown and doing their thing, will call or send a Facebook message. "Thinking of you today"' "Happy Birthday" or "Do you remember...?" If any of you are reading this now, we love you all and still think of you often.
Gods Family
1 John 3:1
See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we would be called children of God...
Probably my greatest family is my spiritual family. I say greatest for a few reasons. The most obvious one is they are world wide.
When my sis left, I got messages and texts from South Africa, Mexico, Florida, Cali, Texas and many others. People I'm not related to but know me because we share a relationship through Jesus. All believers telling me they were praying for us. Prayer. People around the world lifting up my family in prayer to our God the Father, asking for peace in our hearts. That's so awesome.
A couple weeks ago, my Mom calls to say my Dad is on his way to the ER for chest pains. While I'm sitting next to him, I get a text. It's one of kids in our group. She says "I was just thinking of you guys. How can I pray for you today?" Not 5 minutes later, a little gal we sent to South Africa texts,"How can I pray for you today?" Instantly, a dozen or people are praying for my Dad. From as far away as South Africa to right down the road. Folks, that's a God thing. No one knew we were there Except our pastor and didn't spread the word.
The Spirit gives you a nudge and you act. They were nudged and acted. I can't imagine going through life without my spiritual family. My blood family are awesome. Don't get me wrong. But they are a limited number and sometimes you need an army. I have an army. A holy army. With an almighty God as a Commander in Chief.
We have a weekly prayer group, I have the youth group and of course the church itself. Then, there is all those missionaries I have come to know. All my fellow believers that I grew up with. Then there is the prayer groups that all of them belong to. It just goes on and on. The largest, most dysfunctional family you will ever meet and you can be a part of. Because we are just as messed up as you and need a loving Father that will take you just as you are right now.
Ephesians 1:3-7
Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,...just as He chose us in Him before the foundations of the world, that we would holy and blameless before Him. In love, He predestined us to the adoption(family)...In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His GRACE which He lavished on us.
Ephesians 2:8-9
For by GRACE you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the GIFT OF GOD; not as a of works, so that no one may boast.
Just Admit you need Jesus in your life, Believe He died for you and rose again 3 days later and Confess you are a sinner that you want to follow Him. No hocus pocus. No 6 week class of purification. Nothing weird. Just trust.
Right now. Where you're sitting reading this. Admit, Believe and Confess. Then get a hold of me somehow and let me know you are now part of the family.
Love you, Sis. I miss you so much
Saturday, March 16, 2013
Til We Meet Again
I don't much care to say "goodbye". It's so final. So I will never see you again-ish. I usually will say "see ya" or "later". Sometimes I'll let out a "bye" and that's as close to an actual "goodbye" I will have.
But, in the same, I don't like long "goodbyes" either. That just makes it more agonizing. Long "goodbyes" come when you have been with somebody that is very close and you will be separated for a long time and that's hard to think about so you just want to hang on to this moment and embrace...look at the ground...kick the dirt...say, "Yup"...
That's the worst.
It's like a band-aid. Rip it off, man! Get it over with!
Recently, we have had to say goodbye to a couple of people. My wife's grandmother passed away at 90-something years. I didn't really know her and when family began to share stories about her, wow, I really didn't know her. She was a prankster and a servant and a lady... Really, an amazing woman. She was also a believer that loved Jesus and knew where she was going when she died and everyone knew it. She also wasn't into saying "goodbye". But, rather, "See you later". As in, "I'm going to be with the Lord now. I will see you there, too".
Today, we had to say goodbye to another friend who was not here quite as long as grandma. Which is another hard pill to swallow. I hadn't talked with him for awhile but, I knew his daughter and had a Facebook connection with her. She is a dear friend and was in our wedding. One day, I get a message that he doesn't have long to live and if we could pray for him. That's not a message you want to receive.
I don't know what has been going on in this mans life for the last 29 years but, I do know what he did for me 29 years ago. He was one of the men, outside of my own family, that looked me in the eye and said, "I have your back". I knew I could go to him with anything and he'd be there.
I was young, married and with a baby and confused. I didn't know where to go or what to do. His daughter encouraged me to go talk to him about a job. I didn't want to do that. She said, "GO". So I did. He gave me a little project to do. Transferring drawing notes over to the drawing changes. Lettering. He said you have 3 days. Now, it's all done on a PC. Then, it was a skill.
I worked on it... Did my best....Worked on it again.....Made it better... Did it again...
When I took it back to him he told me to shut the door. He looked at it. Made some low noises like a doctor makes. Looked at me. Looked at the drawing. Then he rolled it up and said with his trademark grin, "This is really bad."
The thing about this man is it could always be worse. Then he would find something funny about it and move on. After he basically popped my bubble, we sat there for about an hour and he told me things about goals and family. Getting my priorities right and how God needs to be involved in all that. To never give up and learn from screwing up. To love and more importantly, have fun. Enjoy the things you have and not worry about the things you don't have because in the end, they really don't matter. Family matters and how well you loved them matters.
You never walked away from this man feeling low. He always encouraged you. Made you feel good about yourself. That was evident in the stories shared about him today. Like I said, I don't know what went on in the last 29 years, but when we had that talk, he was a man of God then and I believe he was a man of God in his last days here. So, it's not "Goodbye" , it's "Til we meet again, Sir."
One funny story
There was a group of us that were notorious for shenanigans. We would TP houses, fork lawns, put cars on blocks, whatever. If anything was going to make this man angry, it would be falling victim to us. And we had never seen him angry.
One day, a buddy and I had a plan. We had figured out how to jimmy the garage door open and get in the house. Once inside, we were going to TP his daughters room. We figured out a time when no one would be home. In the middle of a beautiful sunny day, we did our thing and open the door only to find this man and his trademark smile standing there with a fully charged garden hose. He soaked us. We scrambled back to the car the whole time he was laughing. Oh, man, he loved to laugh. At us. As far as I know, only the 3 of us ever knew what happened. We never did get him. Somehow, he always knew. Hmmm....
But, in the same, I don't like long "goodbyes" either. That just makes it more agonizing. Long "goodbyes" come when you have been with somebody that is very close and you will be separated for a long time and that's hard to think about so you just want to hang on to this moment and embrace...look at the ground...kick the dirt...say, "Yup"...
That's the worst.
It's like a band-aid. Rip it off, man! Get it over with!
Recently, we have had to say goodbye to a couple of people. My wife's grandmother passed away at 90-something years. I didn't really know her and when family began to share stories about her, wow, I really didn't know her. She was a prankster and a servant and a lady... Really, an amazing woman. She was also a believer that loved Jesus and knew where she was going when she died and everyone knew it. She also wasn't into saying "goodbye". But, rather, "See you later". As in, "I'm going to be with the Lord now. I will see you there, too".
Today, we had to say goodbye to another friend who was not here quite as long as grandma. Which is another hard pill to swallow. I hadn't talked with him for awhile but, I knew his daughter and had a Facebook connection with her. She is a dear friend and was in our wedding. One day, I get a message that he doesn't have long to live and if we could pray for him. That's not a message you want to receive.
I don't know what has been going on in this mans life for the last 29 years but, I do know what he did for me 29 years ago. He was one of the men, outside of my own family, that looked me in the eye and said, "I have your back". I knew I could go to him with anything and he'd be there.
I was young, married and with a baby and confused. I didn't know where to go or what to do. His daughter encouraged me to go talk to him about a job. I didn't want to do that. She said, "GO". So I did. He gave me a little project to do. Transferring drawing notes over to the drawing changes. Lettering. He said you have 3 days. Now, it's all done on a PC. Then, it was a skill.
I worked on it... Did my best....Worked on it again.....Made it better... Did it again...
When I took it back to him he told me to shut the door. He looked at it. Made some low noises like a doctor makes. Looked at me. Looked at the drawing. Then he rolled it up and said with his trademark grin, "This is really bad."
The thing about this man is it could always be worse. Then he would find something funny about it and move on. After he basically popped my bubble, we sat there for about an hour and he told me things about goals and family. Getting my priorities right and how God needs to be involved in all that. To never give up and learn from screwing up. To love and more importantly, have fun. Enjoy the things you have and not worry about the things you don't have because in the end, they really don't matter. Family matters and how well you loved them matters.
You never walked away from this man feeling low. He always encouraged you. Made you feel good about yourself. That was evident in the stories shared about him today. Like I said, I don't know what went on in the last 29 years, but when we had that talk, he was a man of God then and I believe he was a man of God in his last days here. So, it's not "Goodbye" , it's "Til we meet again, Sir."
One funny story
There was a group of us that were notorious for shenanigans. We would TP houses, fork lawns, put cars on blocks, whatever. If anything was going to make this man angry, it would be falling victim to us. And we had never seen him angry.
One day, a buddy and I had a plan. We had figured out how to jimmy the garage door open and get in the house. Once inside, we were going to TP his daughters room. We figured out a time when no one would be home. In the middle of a beautiful sunny day, we did our thing and open the door only to find this man and his trademark smile standing there with a fully charged garden hose. He soaked us. We scrambled back to the car the whole time he was laughing. Oh, man, he loved to laugh. At us. As far as I know, only the 3 of us ever knew what happened. We never did get him. Somehow, he always knew. Hmmm....
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
Baseball, Coffee and God
A certain Sunday school teacher stood before his class and placed a large, empty pickle jar on a table. He then dropped a baseball into the jar and asked,"Is this jar full?" With puzzled looks on their faces, they shook their heads.
He then dropped in a bunch of golf balls. "Now is the jar full?" The young people began to chuckle and replied,"Yes...", not knowing where their teacher was heading with this. "Are you sure?" he asked. Some changed their answer and reasoned their choices.
As they discussed, the teacher brought out a bag of corn and poured it in the jar. The kernels filtered down into the gaps between the golf balls and some reaching the baseball. "Now is the jar full?".
They all agreed that now the jar was full and nothing more could go into the jar. With that, the teacher then brought out a cup of ground coffee and poured it into the jar. He then gave the jar a couple taps and the coffee settled down between the corn and golf balls leaving no room at the top of the jar. Patting the coffee down so that it was even with the top of the jar, he asked,"Now is it full?"
"YES!" they exclaimed exasperated by this nonsense.
"You see", he explained,"if this jar is your life, you have a full life. The ground coffee is the stuff that doesn't really matter. It's like Facebook. There's stuff there that grabs your attention and occupies your time, but, it really doesn't matter in the long-run.
"The kernels," he continued,"are the the things that do matter. Your material needs. Clothes, money, job or school. Things you should care about but shouldn't obsess about.
"The golf balls," ignoring the comments about obsessing over clothes,"are the important things in your life. Family, relationships, your health. These things require your attention. Although, most of the time, these are the things you take for granted. When was the last time you really noticed your parents? Took out your ear buds and asked them about their day?"
"And the baseball?" someone asked.

25 “Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 26 Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? 27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?... 31 So do not worry, saying, ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ 32 For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. 33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."
"By 'seeking' Him first, all the things in your life fall into place. I'm not saying it will all be butterflies and cupcakes, but, you can have order if you start your day with seeking God first. Pray, read your Bible. Sincerely seek God"
With that, he pulled out another jar just like the first. He then poured a cup of ground coffee in the jar. Followed by a bag of corn and the same number of golf balls as . Not all the golf balls fit in the jar and 2 or 3 fell to the table.
"What about God?" a young man asked.
"Exactly Jesus' point! If you aren't putting God first in your life, where does He fit in?!"
How about you? Is your life full? Are you occupied by the things that don't matter? How do you start your day? With God or coffee?
Monday, September 24, 2012
Am I Better Off?
I apologize for the length, but, to simply say "no" wasn't enough.
In a way, that's kind of a silly question. It did make me think about not only the last 4 years, but a little beyond.
I'm in the construction biz which is up and down as it is. Office furniture and conference tables. A feast and famine scenario. I was settled into my "career" at the end of the Reagan era. We had alot of business. Buildings were going up and needed to be filled with stuff. This was the beginning of the first G Bush term. People were trying to configure PCs into their desks. A trend was forming.
In late '90, the raid on Iraq began and the phones stopped ringing. Just like that. Staff and hours were cut back. After the Gulf War, it was a slow go but steady. I survived a few layoffs, bought a house, had some kids and went to Disneyland. In '92, my company was bought by a larger company. It was rocky at first but I can say at the end of those 4 years, I was better off.
Two years into the Clinton era things were going very well. More business, more work and more overtime. The "dot com" boom had begun and we were out in front. So far out that my company had the corner on modular furniture and the big boys were gunning for us. That was a good feeling. The business still went up and down but I still had a job. Was still paying bills and had decent health insurance for the family with a combination of my work and my wifes coverage. At the end of those 4 years, I was better off than the previous. Things were getting better, but, that was the peak.
With Clintons 2nd term, things began to slide. The boom busted. All those dot-com'ers went bankrupt and their furniture was going to auction for pennies. It was almost new. Why not? Manufacturers were in a scramble. It became a survival of the fittest. Who could produce the most on the least. I was supervising night shift and doing quite well at it. But when you have 2 shifts and need to start cutting back, the first to get hit is the extra shift. This was the beginning of my digression. When I took over the night shift, we had 80+ workers on the floor for both shifts. When I was brought back to days, we were down to 30+ on the floor and my wage was $2 less. With each month after that we lost a few more here, a few more there. The company began utilizing temps because they are expendible. Did I mention we were a union shop? Yeah. It didn't make any difference. If the work isn't coming in, then the people go. Union or not. The competition were dropping left and right, too. Somehow, we were hanging on. At the end of those 4 years, I don't think I was better off.
Enter Bush #2. There was a glimmer of hope. At least the stock market thought so. Business picked up a bit. we were coming up with new products and a new market, GSA. Government accounts. We were filling up military bases around the world! Well, the U.S. and Guam. Anyhow, we were busy and maintained between 25-35 people on the floor.
Then the towers came down. The phone stopped ringing again. We limped along for a few years. No lay offs but cut back on hours. At the end of those 4 years, we were hanging onto our house. I wasn't better off.
The era of hope and change. To put hope in a man, any man is ridiculous. But there was change. A big change. My company couldn't hang on any longer and shut down. For the first time in my working life, 27 yrs, I was jobless. I had to apply for unemployment, write a resume, fill out applications, online. Everyday, 5 times a day, for 10 months. Not one of them panned out.
I got a job when my former boss went to a company and he brought me in to help him. It's not what you know. It's who you know and what they know you know. Don't burn bridges.
Now, I have a job, I hate, making $3 less than I was 4 years ago with worse health coverage for more money. We still have our house and 2 cars that run. But, am I better off than 4 years ago? Economically, no.
What does this mean? I don't know. I simply answered the question. I do know I am not putting my faith in the government. Or a party or idealolgy. I'm not even putting faith in myself. The only one constant I could count on was God. He was always there. He always provided. When the money was coming up short, I would get some sort of side job that would cover expenses. We have a church family that was always praying, keeping an eye out for jobs or bring us groceries. Our true family supporting us through a variety of ways. All bundled in a faith in God. You say, "Well, you got unemployment." That ran out. I was hired my last month of UE. That's God. Not me. Not the government. Not a man.
Romans 8:18-28, 31-34
18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. 19 For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. 20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.
22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.
28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose
31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? 33 Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. 34 Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.
In a way, that's kind of a silly question. It did make me think about not only the last 4 years, but a little beyond.
I'm in the construction biz which is up and down as it is. Office furniture and conference tables. A feast and famine scenario. I was settled into my "career" at the end of the Reagan era. We had alot of business. Buildings were going up and needed to be filled with stuff. This was the beginning of the first G Bush term. People were trying to configure PCs into their desks. A trend was forming.
In late '90, the raid on Iraq began and the phones stopped ringing. Just like that. Staff and hours were cut back. After the Gulf War, it was a slow go but steady. I survived a few layoffs, bought a house, had some kids and went to Disneyland. In '92, my company was bought by a larger company. It was rocky at first but I can say at the end of those 4 years, I was better off.
Two years into the Clinton era things were going very well. More business, more work and more overtime. The "dot com" boom had begun and we were out in front. So far out that my company had the corner on modular furniture and the big boys were gunning for us. That was a good feeling. The business still went up and down but I still had a job. Was still paying bills and had decent health insurance for the family with a combination of my work and my wifes coverage. At the end of those 4 years, I was better off than the previous. Things were getting better, but, that was the peak.
With Clintons 2nd term, things began to slide. The boom busted. All those dot-com'ers went bankrupt and their furniture was going to auction for pennies. It was almost new. Why not? Manufacturers were in a scramble. It became a survival of the fittest. Who could produce the most on the least. I was supervising night shift and doing quite well at it. But when you have 2 shifts and need to start cutting back, the first to get hit is the extra shift. This was the beginning of my digression. When I took over the night shift, we had 80+ workers on the floor for both shifts. When I was brought back to days, we were down to 30+ on the floor and my wage was $2 less. With each month after that we lost a few more here, a few more there. The company began utilizing temps because they are expendible. Did I mention we were a union shop? Yeah. It didn't make any difference. If the work isn't coming in, then the people go. Union or not. The competition were dropping left and right, too. Somehow, we were hanging on. At the end of those 4 years, I don't think I was better off.
Enter Bush #2. There was a glimmer of hope. At least the stock market thought so. Business picked up a bit. we were coming up with new products and a new market, GSA. Government accounts. We were filling up military bases around the world! Well, the U.S. and Guam. Anyhow, we were busy and maintained between 25-35 people on the floor.
Then the towers came down. The phone stopped ringing again. We limped along for a few years. No lay offs but cut back on hours. At the end of those 4 years, we were hanging onto our house. I wasn't better off.
The era of hope and change. To put hope in a man, any man is ridiculous. But there was change. A big change. My company couldn't hang on any longer and shut down. For the first time in my working life, 27 yrs, I was jobless. I had to apply for unemployment, write a resume, fill out applications, online. Everyday, 5 times a day, for 10 months. Not one of them panned out.
I got a job when my former boss went to a company and he brought me in to help him. It's not what you know. It's who you know and what they know you know. Don't burn bridges.
Now, I have a job, I hate, making $3 less than I was 4 years ago with worse health coverage for more money. We still have our house and 2 cars that run. But, am I better off than 4 years ago? Economically, no.
What does this mean? I don't know. I simply answered the question. I do know I am not putting my faith in the government. Or a party or idealolgy. I'm not even putting faith in myself. The only one constant I could count on was God. He was always there. He always provided. When the money was coming up short, I would get some sort of side job that would cover expenses. We have a church family that was always praying, keeping an eye out for jobs or bring us groceries. Our true family supporting us through a variety of ways. All bundled in a faith in God. You say, "Well, you got unemployment." That ran out. I was hired my last month of UE. That's God. Not me. Not the government. Not a man.
Romans 8:18-28, 31-34
18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. 19 For the creation waits in eager expectation for the children of God to be revealed. 20 For the creation was subjected to frustration, not by its own choice, but by the will of the one who subjected it, in hope 21 that the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay and brought into the freedom and glory of the children of God.
22 We know that the whole creation has been groaning as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present time. 23 Not only so, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption to sonship, the redemption of our bodies. 24 For in this hope we were saved. But hope that is seen is no hope at all. Who hopes for what they already have? 25 But if we hope for what we do not yet have, we wait for it patiently.
26 In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. 27 And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.
28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose
31 What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us? 32 He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for us all—how will he not also, along with him, graciously give us all things? 33 Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. 34 Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.
4 years,
mitt romney,
paul ryan,
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