Renee and I kept it simple and had dinner where it all began. We went to Anthony's in Edmonds where we had our first date. She asked me to formal tolo. I brought her back to the house so my parents could see her big pink dress and take pictures and stuff like that. We looked goooood. My niece was there. She must had been 6 yrs old. She looked at Renee with the biggest eyes and said,"You look just like Cinderella" She still does.
Now, 25 years later, life is a rollercoaster. Ups and downs, spins and curves. You just never know what's coming around the next corner. You can let it make you sick and hate every minute of it. Or, you can just hang on and scream,"WHOOOOOO-HOOOOO!" Then, at the end of it all, sit back and say,"What a ride!" We chose the later.
Kaley's graduation was really nice. They seem to go faster each year. We took pictures of her getting ready, with flowers, in the front yard, with her hat, without her hat and waiting to go. We decorated the house in gold and black. Hung banners and streamers. It was no secret that we had a graduate in the house.
Then we left for the pomp and circumstance. I still have no idea what that means. A three vehicle caravan towards Hec Edmundson Pavillion. I think they call it Bank of America Arena now, but, it will always be the HecEd to me.
Anyhoo, we sat, we stood, we listened and clapped, listened and clapped, blah blah blah. Then what we all showed up for. The shake and grab. Kaley had a very big smile the rest of the night.
We all came back home and partied and ate and just had a very nice time together. Good times, good times