Thursday, February 24, 2011

Freeze Dried

It's snowing! Well, sorta. In Washintons' Puget Sound area, we have what is called a convergence zone. Apparently, it runs from the Canadian border to the Oregon border. I think it's an excuse for the weather people so they don't have to admit they really don't know anything. It's all guess work.

Anyways, it snows like nobodies bizness in places while the sun beams down in other places. Thats the way it was here for awhile. All of Washington was in a panic. Here where we are, glorious sunshine. Then when it did snow, an inch, at the most. We have icicles now. Those are neat.

The kids are on break and tonight, we are having a movie night for the youth. When there is no school, we don't have YG. It used to be nothing would happen. Just a week off. Then I shared how "back in the day" my YG would get together for unofficial youth events. We would make up reasons to get together. They were unofficial because no youth leaders were around. Usually, we were at someones house and their parents were there. So, we weren't totally unsupervised. Man, we had some fun.

One of kids thought 'why can't we do that?' and now we have movie nites. Which is very cool. I go and one of the other leaders go but, it's still all them. The real reason why we go is because we just like hanging out with them!

I hope the snow doesn't stop anyone from going.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Drip Brewed

You know how you make a pot of coffee? The old fashioned way. Not those one cup things or an espresso. A drip brew coffee maker. You pour in the coffee grounds, the water and hit the button. The aroma of the grounds. Yes, I said aroma. Then the thing gurgles a little bit. You walk away.
Soon, you can smell a pot of coffee in process. You know it's not ready, but, whatever you're doing, you want to go to it. Holding back a little, you occupy your mind with your Farmville or shaving or the news. Then that aroma hits you to wake you up again.
There it is, a pot of black heaven. Liquid buzz, joe, java, the good stuff, morning mud. Whatever you call it, that first sip is everything to get your day started.
Can you tell I like coffee. I drink too much, though. I'll down a pot before 11 am. Serious. It's my addiction.

I digress.

My life has gotten fairly interesting as of late and reminds me of drip brewing coffee. The anticipation of what will be. It's just that I don't know what will be. Kinda like I recieved a bag of ground coffee with no label.
So, in the coming days, I will try to be more diligent with my updates and together, we will find out what's brewin'.