Sunday, July 31, 2011

Gimme a Heater

Sometimes, you have a cup that's half full and has gotten cold. I worked with a guy that had funny euphisms(?) for coffee. He would be asked how do you like your coffee and he'd say, "Hot, black and sweet. Like my women." He'd also say, "Gimme a heater." when his cup was half full and just needed to be warmed up.

So, you don't need a whole cup. You have some in there. You just need that extra little bit to get it. I heard a song the other day by Brandi Carlile called "Before It Breaks" click this>

In the song, she says she can make her own mistakes and, whoever she is talking to, should let it bend before it breaks. I heard that and my brain snapped. I got my heater.

Recently my oldest daughter got married. Big holla-balloo. The boy she married I wasn't too keen on. I was hard on him. Like really mean. He didn't go away. My boys got after him. He still didn't go away. My daughter says to let her make her own choices. (see where this is going?)

He really went through some crap and stayed. That shows some character. At the reception, we passed a microphone around and let people say things about and to them. My boys each said something and the two oldest got a little choked up. The boy was accepted into our family at that moment. I don't if he realizes that but the words they shared were huge for me.

Family is a big deal for me. I'm the youngest and wasn't to smart, but I had a family that was there for me. Even when no one else was. My family backed me up. I tried to instill that into my kids. Right or wrong, standing up or on the ground, you be there for them. On that day, my kids showed me they paid attention.

I don't know what the song is about. I just know those words heated my cup. "Let it bend before breaks" Don't keep it from bending or you'll never know just how far it can bend before it breaks. Listen to it again. I love how she puts so much passion into her songs. And my niece made her clothes. Cool, huh?

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